Tuesday, 3 November 2015

5 Healthy Snack Ideas

1.Banana Ice Cream: All you need to do for this easy and delicious ice cream, is chop up a few bananas and freeze them overnight. After taking them out of the freezer, put them into the microwave for 10 seconds, to soften them up a little. Now just blend the bananas up in a food processor until you get a smooth, ice-cream-like consistency. You can also add frozen berries or frozen fruit of your choice. If you don't like the taste of bananas, you can also add some vanilla essence to reduce the taste of banana.

2.Healthy Sweet potato fries: Ingredients- A sweet potato, olive oil, salt and pepper.Preheat the oven on 180 'C. Chop up the sweet potato into "french fries" shape and put them into a bowl. Then add in a tbs of olive oil, a pinch of salt and some pepper (Or other herbs of your choice). Give it a good stir. Then lay the fries onto a baking tray and bake them 20-40 minutes. (Until they get a nice, golden crust). And there you go, healthy, delicious, crispy and tasty sweet potato fries!

3.Apple, Granola and peanut butter doughnuts. Slice an apple into thin slices (2cm) and remove the middle part. You should have a doughnut shape now. Then you can spread some peanut butter onto the rings and dip them into granola. If you want, you can also add some dark chocolate chips, honey, raisins or any other toppings of your choice. :-)

4.A very easy and quick snack idea is carrots or celery with hummus. Just chop up a few carrots into long blocks, and have a bowl of hummus to dip the carrots in.

5.Ingredients: 1.5 cups of raw almonds, 1 tbs sugar (coconut sugar is a healthier version), 1.5 tbs honey, 0.5 ground chipotle powder. 0.25 ts ground cumin, 0.25 ts salt.

A) Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.

B) Place the almonds in a nonstick skillet and cook them over medium heat for 6 minutes or until they are lightly toasted, shaking pan frequently. Combine the remaining ingredients in a glass. Microwave at HIGH for 30 seconds. Add the honey mixture to the pan, and cook it for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Arrange the almond mixture on prepared baking sheet in a single layer and let stand 10 minutes. Break apart any clusters.

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